
Not asking for help because of fear of looking silly / vulnerable is a big thing. I know I struggle with this but Iโ€™m getting better.

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Jun 15Liked by Gemma Knight Jones

I do perform well under pressure, I feel it has become the norm for me to leave things to very last minute . I tend to count the amount of free time I have to myself because when work comes in, my free time is very limited

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Thanks for sharing Dean. Do you think you get the best result from yourself/ if you leave things to the last minute?

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Jun 13Liked by Gemma Knight Jones

I would say never be too proud to ask for advice or suggestions , and being a member of one or more WhatsApp groups can really come into its own here ! After all thereโ€™s no law that says you have to act on any of it , but then again somebody might just have a tried and tested way of doing something you would never have thought of !

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